
Hubby and Wifey

I love love love my husband… He is definitely the peanut butter to my jelly. I didn’t know what the heck this meant the first time he said it to me a few years ago and honestly (funny looking back) I was kind of offended when he said it! So with his little grin he explained that we are so different but we just aren’t as good apart as we are together… AWW! I have told him multiple times that someday when I have nothing to do (insert laugh!) I will have to come up with a less food-like comparison.

It always amazes me at how different two married people can be yet how happy they are together. On paper, Ryan and I probably wouldn’t match up as friends let alone partners in life. He is very laid back, always takes others actions as kind, he is loyal, caring, gentle, sometimes lazy (haha), quiet, and he is comfortable being comfortable. I am always going a hundred miles a minute, like things done 5 minutes before you realize there was something needing to be done, I’m a straight shooter, inpatient (mostly with myself), protective of those I love, am good at giving honest opinions (if you ask, I’ll tell), I come from a loud family, am kind, caring, and mostly uncomfortable when things feel too comfortable. So yes, we do have a couple key qualities in common but as you can see, we are mostly opposites.

I have good qualities and I know I definitely have room for improvement, as we all do! I like that we are different because I think we can learn from each other. With these differences come obstacles also. I handle situations differently than Ryan. I am assertive, which can sometimes look like impatient, and expect others to work at 100% because that is how I work for others. Ryan’s roles are so different than mine. He has the patience role fit to a T. He is the builder of our house. The one to calm me down in a storm, the one who reminds me it’s okay, the one that sees the best in others. He really is the better part of me. He’s also the one that I get to encourage to do more, be better, and remind that the sky is the limit.

Most often I see our differences come out in a disagreement. Although we really don’t argue often, when we do we are reminded almost immediately that we are two very different people. Ryan is a communicator, I am a thinker. I like to be left alone for a while were as Ryan likes to talk things through (sometimes talk things straight through the ground, haha!).

All this to say, I am constantly amazed at how opposite people can love each other so strongly, live together so well, and really make two halves whole. I often tell Ryan that I’ve always prayed to have more patience and God brought me him. He is my daily reminder of how to have patience as his example of patience is nearly perfected. Along with this, he sometimes is the source of me needing to show the patience I work so hard to have… hehe J

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